Mitchell•Giddings Fine Arts is pleased to offer an exhibition of paintings and collage by New Hampshire artists, Maggie Cahoon, Jessie Pollock, and Erika Radich.
MAGGIE CAHOON — Beyond Measure
Having made their way through me, the paintings speak for themselves. They are beyond measure, beyond my pea brain. They unquestionably come from heart, so often unfathomable, again beyond measure. They hint at something quite beyond our ordinary reality, and flow into an realm that speaks in color, in fluidity, in sensing. This language, at the same time unorthodox, is strangely familiar to me, yet again, beyond measure.
“Unlike some artists, it is often challenging for me to label, name, or define what a body of work is actually communicating, articulating. I have a sense, for sure, but to nail it down with words often escapes me. One is invited to this place that offers no words or labels, asking one to look close, or stand back, and bathe in something beyond measure.”

Maggie Cahoon, Untitled #25, 2023, alcohol ink on wood panel
Nature has always been my inspiration, especially the beauty of moss and stones. Stones are considered the bones of the earth and, more romantically, the roots of the clouds. The colors in my paintings represent elements of the environment—greens, browns and reds depict the land and plants, while the blues depict the sky and water. My new series, Petrichor (the scent that occurs when it rains after a long dry spell), is influenced by our changing climate, vanishing landscapes, and the mysterious energy of stones.
“I’m trying to achieve an atmospheric look…all about air, water, atmosphere…but also I want grit…so it’s a dichotomy, putting two things that don’t necessarily go together. I’m satisfied with the strength of the work along with the beautiful, soft atmosphere.”

Jessie Pollock, Petrichor 9, 2023, cold wax, stones, mixed media
In the wake of two challenging years, images of “structures” come to mind to symbolize refuge, isolation, connection and community. This body of work means to evoke stability and a sense of lightness and hope. The elements are playful and irreverent, falling over and into each other. The collage elements are repurposed prints…they carry the past and the colors extend the thoughts of future brightness.
“The main message in this body of work is “village,” and how important that concept has been, whether it be physical or conceptual presence. A few symbolize isolation and the past, the profound loneliness of some during the pandemic. The collage elements are repurposed prints…the elements carry the past. The resolution acknowledges the present. Dream Room is a vision of my grand twins’ bedroom, designed to inspire and comfort them during the pandemic.”

Erika Radich, Dream Room, 2023, monotype collage
Mitchell•Giddings Fine Arts offers contemporary art in a variety of media, featuring emerging and established artists.
Visit us on Main Street in Brattleboro, Vermont.
Mitchell•Giddings Fine Arts offers contemporary art in a variety of media, featuring emerging and established artists.
Visit us on Main Street in Brattleboro, Vermont.