Emily Mason, According, 1993
Emily Mason: Chromatic Celebrations
July 2 – August 16, 2015
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 2, 5 -7pm
Chromatic Celebrations showcases Emily Mason’s printmaking production and illustrates a richness and spontaneity equal to her paintings in oil.
Emily Mason, recognized for her abstract paintings, has pioneered with several master printmakers since the mid 1980s to establish a singularly rich and distinctive body of prints. Several different printmaking techniques are represented. Common to all is an involvement with a variety of processes leading to a mixture of sharp focus and ambiguity. She embraces unique states, giving each work its own space. Imperfections are welcomed. If a tinge of red-orange reveals itself in the registration we read it not as a flaw, but as a brightly colored wink from Mason herself.
Through a quarter century of activity, Mason has expended ceaseless energy and demonstrated ingenuity to create a varied body of prints . . . Mason truly lights up when speaking about her prints. Sifting through the vast array in her studio, Mason is able to reminisce about each one as if it had just recently come off the press. Impressively, her recollections often include precisely why she selected a particular color palette or how she switched or adapted her plates to achieve certain effects. Printmaking is an integral part of her artistic process, influencing her painting as much as painting informs her printmaking,