Thur. – Sat. 11-5  Sun. 12-5 or by appointment | 802.251.8290


Matt Brown, Little Cottonwood Canyon

Matt Brown

My printing approach follows the traditional moku hanga method of woodblock printing developed in Japan during the 18th century. Water, rice paste, and lightfast pigments are my printing materials. Brushes and a hand-held baren are my printing tools. Each color is printed from a separate carved block and papers used are acid-free.This technique was first practiced in this century by Arthur Dow and others as part of the Arts and Crafts movement that flourished at the beginning of the 20th century.

Each print is numbered and edition size is also shown. The date describes the actual month the print was made (the entire edition is not always printed at the same time). If it is marked 2nd, 3rd state, etc. this indicates a significant re-working of the print and a new edition.


